Saturday, May 05, 2007

Anthropos Thanatos or Anthropos Athanatos

Unshaped by life
For I have refused to live
Controlled by death
For I refuse to die

Giving shape to life
For you have lived
Unconstrained by death
For you have embraced death


V and E said...

Explain the distinction between AnthroposThanatos and Anthropos Athanatos?

Do you mean for AnthroposThanatos to be two separate words?

The poem itself, btw, is excellent.

- V.

LifeSpark said...

thanks vic...(weird, feels like I'm talking to myself :)

V Yes, I meant for them to be separate. Thanks for the fix.

Anthropos Thanatos = Man of death
Anthropos Athanatos = Undying or immortal Man. It might better be titled Anthropos Zoen (sp?)but I felt the use of the term thanatos (death) in both was useful as a device to signify that Christ has passed through death, plus it alliterates better.....