Monday, December 18, 2006

They bring the light

My kids have been away since September with their Mom. This has been one of the most difficult passages of my life. I've been to see them a few times but how can going from seeing them all the time to once a month be anything like enough?
They arrive for 2 weeks on the solstice, Dec 22. Then it's six more months of this until July when they are with me for summer holidays and back here permanently.
Enough preamble:

They bring the light

Shining in their small cupped hands
pouring from their beautiful faces

The world turns and my heart with it
The bulls of Bashan are set at nought

My heart sings with life
My children are home


Stacy said...

Have you ever had one of those moments wherein you wanted to simply sit silently beside someone knowing that silence is the most dignigied and presence is the best gift? You can't do that electronically.

LifeSpark said...

The internet is a case where silence requires the border of words in order to be known. By your words I know your silence and presence.
Thank you

Kassianni said...

have a blessed Christmas with them.